About This Blog:
The Order of the Posts:
1. About This Blog
4. Encounter In The Desolation Wilderness, August 20, 2005
The Blogger:
I'm Larry Lesh of Texas and you can contact me at larrylesh1947 at att.net. I'm a retired senior non-commissioned officer from the USAF and a retired postal worker. I served in the SEA War in 1969-70 and spent 6 years in Germany. During the SEA War I was an aerial photographer and spent the majority of my career in training.
My History With Sasquatch:
My first encounter with the Sasquatch species was over Labor Day in 1973. A specimen left a clear footprint in the sand of an artesian well on a ledge below the canyon rim of the North Fork of Kings Canyon. We found it the next morning and realizing what it was we immediately left the area and went to Bass Lake.
From that time on like so many I was hooked. I read reports, books, listened to lectures and discussed the subject with others who had the same interest. People I knew thought it was strange but it didn't matter as one of the greatest mysteries of our planet was unsolved.
In May of 2007 I met and went researching with BB. He had already had several encounters with the species before we met including one of the most famous encounters in the Desolation Wilderness with a specimen we later named Maxine. His report in BFRO style is in their database at http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=15821 BB and I have discussed his encounter at length and one fact we both agree on is that Maxine intended to kill him if she could and we're glad it didn't happen.
You can see his report in the postings of this blog under BB's Encounter In The Desolation Wilderness August 20th, 2005.
I did some more research with a man from Reno Nevada who used the pseudonym of Woodrat as he like his privacy. His area was off of California Highway 89 the in Sierra Nevada Mts. We had one encounter where the specimen convinced us to leave a mountain meadow and I suspect we got to close to a nesting female as this was unusual behavior for this area.
I know for a fact that Sasquatch has been shot and can be shot but the specimens who were escaped and their fates are unknown. It's unfortunate that science denies the existence of the species and insists that only a body will suffice as evidence. There currently are 2 formal groups intending to find and kill a specimen along with quite a few other Bigfoot researchers.
It was the late Dr. Grover Krantz of Washington State University who as a scientist suggested killing one specimen would be justifiable. It's a controversy that will not end or go away until it actually happens and when and if it does it most likely will start all over.
My interest in the subject has never waned and I may join other researchers who have passed on without seeing the mystery of the species solved and to me that would be unfortunate. Recent evidence is leading me to the conclusion that all paranormal phenomena stems from one source, the Inter-Dimensionals. More about this later when I revise this blog.